學院建築外觀 Rory Gardiner
新加坡國立大學建築與設計專業所在的院系建築,除了滿足使用者的功能需求外,還致力於展示學院的教學抱負。這一理念在一些建築中非常明顯,如採用了工業化生產邏輯的德紹(Dessau)包浩斯建築;哈佛GSD的跨學科合作模式的開放工作室;或者AA Georgian Terrace學院內擁有條形立柱和前梁的社交聚集空間。
At its best, faculty buildings that house schools of architecture and design—apart from serving functional needs of its occupants—strive to demonstrate and represent the pedagogical ambitions of the school itself. This is evident in the Bauhaus Building in Dessau that adopted the logic of industrial production; the open studio trays for cross-disciplinary collaboration in Harvard GSD; or the bar and front members rooms as a social condenser in the AA’s Georgian Terrace school.

建築實現了零能耗 Rory Gardiner

建築空間布局方便空氣流通 Rory Gardiner

建築南側立面 Rory Gardiner
From the outset, it was clear that SDE intended to use the design and the completed building as a pedagogical tool for tackling the challenges of climate change in the tropics. Here, the focus was on creating a NET Zero energy building—that is to say, the building generates as much if not more energy that it consumes within its building footprint. The second ambition was to use the building as a living laboratory for learning and testing various technologies and architectural responses to the harsh tropical climate.

樓梯入口 Rory Gardiner

出挑的頂面 Rory Gardiner

Our design is a revalidation of the grammar of vernacular tropical architecture in Southeast Asia, namely that of the Malay House from which we find a large over-sailing roof, the loose accumulation of rooms to allow cross ventilation and the use of platforms to raise the building off the ground. Thus our response was to first employ a large over-sailing roof to protect rooms from the sun and at the same time use this large surface for the installation of 1,225 PV cells for energy generation.

互通的過渡空間增加交流與互動 Rory Gardiner

公共區域的論壇空間 Rory Gardiner

開放工作室和教室空間 Rory Gardiner

樓梯空間 Rory Gardiner

細節 Rory Gardiner

波紋穿孔鋁板的可拆卸性允許學生和研究人員測試建築本身的各種立面系統 Rory Gardiner

The first of these is the large and continuous open studio space designed to foster collaboration and instil curiosity in the work of others. The second is more contemplative in nature, designed as a series of smaller rooms surrounded by landscape to be used by researchers and masters level students. A central presentation space is highly visible from various approaches to the building and the design studios. It drops down to peer into the social plaza making design dialog a central activity of learning. The fourth learning space located behind the east and west curtain walls is intended for proto-typing and model making. Soft undulating perforated aluminium panels moderate the harsh western and eastern sun while remaining demountable to allow students and researchers to test various facade systems on the building itself.