泰晤士高等教育世界大學影響力排名根據聯合國可持續發展目標 (UN Sustainable Development Goals) 對全球大學的社會和經濟影響進行排名。詹姆斯庫克大學在「促進目標實現的夥伴關係」中名列世界第一。
詹姆斯庫克大學教務長Professor Chris Cocklin指出,可持續發展是大學教學和研究的基礎,也是作為熱帶地區大學的核心角色。「理解這些目標之間的相互關聯很重要。實現健康似乎是護士和醫生的關注點,但它也需要關注與健康相關的社會決定因素,如教育和貧困。這些關聯點使『促進目標實現的夥伴關係』對實現聯合國2030年議程至關重要。」
Professor Cocklin認為,這一排名證明了詹姆斯庫克大學的員工、學生和畢業生,以及許多我們與之合作的社區、機構和個人取得的卓越成果。「例如,我們的『熱帶現狀』項目已經發現,來自全球各地的研究人員在近十年的時間裡共同努力,致力於評估和改善熱帶地區的生活質量。」
詹姆斯庫克大學全球發展碩士項目 (Master of Global Development) 講師Dr Kearrin Sims認為,大學非常強調工作與學習的結合,使得所有學生都把實踐和實習作為學業的一部分。Dr Sims同時是澳大利亞發展研究協會執行委員會成員和詹姆斯庫克大學可持續發展工作組成員。
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The Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings recognise universities around the world for their social and economic impact, based on the United Nations』 Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). James Cook University has been ranked #1 in the world for its commitment to sustainable development through global partnerships.
The 17 Goals are intended as a framework for developing the world in a sustainable way. They were set in 2015 as part of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, intended to be achieved by 2030.
For Goal 17, which relates to partnerships, JCU scored 99.2 of a possible 100, and was ranked No. 1 out of 806 institutions.
The Goals include access to clean water and an end to poverty and hunger. They recognize that ending deprivation must go hand-in-hand with improving health and education, reducing inequality and fostering economic growth.
JCU Provost, Professor Chris Cocklin, said sustainable development underpins much of JCU’s teaching and research, and is central to its role as a university for the Tropics.
「It’s important to understand the interconnectedness of these goals,」 he said. 「Achieving good health might seem the obvious focus for nurses and doctors, but it also requires attention to the social determinants of health, such as education and poverty. Those intersections make Goal 17, working in partnerships, critical to the success of 2030 Agenda.」
Professor Cocklin said the ranking was testament to JCU staff, students and graduates, and the many communities, organisations and individuals they collaborate with.
「Our State of the Tropics project, for example, has seen researchers from across the globe working together for almost a decade to assess and improve quality of life in the Tropics,」 he said.
Dr Kearrin Sims, convenor of JCU’s Master of Global Development, said JCU’s strong emphasis on work-integrated learning sees students across the University undertaking internships and placements as part of their courses.
Dr Sims is a member of the Executive Committee for the Development Studies Association of Australia and chairs JCU’s Sustainable Development Working Group.
「Our Master of Global Development students learn from development practitioners and gain hands-on experience with local and regional partners including the Aurora Foundation, the Cairns Local Disaster Coordination Centre, Far North Queensland Indigenous Rangers and environmental organisations.
「Working in respectful, productive partnerships across different cultures and different disciplines, between government, industry, community and academia – that’s an essential part of their professional preparation. To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, we have to build those partnerships from a local to a global scale.」