
2024年05月08日   •   3万次阅读



















(In English): Another dimension of providing targeted support is ensuring affordability, particularly for those who need it more. We thank Members for your questions on how we are doing so.

First, at the earlier Budget Debate, Ms Jessica Tan requested clarifications on our means-testing criteria for long-term care subsidies. These subsidies are means-tested using Per Capita Household Income and Annual Value of residence to ensure that subsidies are targeted at those who need it more. While these are not perfect proxies, they are the best available to measure an individual's means and family support, and only a small minority of long-term care clients do not qualify for subsidies because of the Annual Value criterion.

To ensure that those with greater needs receive continued support, the Government recently raised the Per Capita Household Income and Annual Value thresholds for all means-tested social support schemes and grants. Seniors who face difficulties paying for their long-term care expenses may apply for the discretionary financial assistance.

Second, Dr Tan Wu Meng has made two suggestions on empowering more organisations to assist with MediFund applications and taking a holistic approach to Migrant Domestic Worker Levy Concession applications.

We agree with the intent to smoothen help-seeking processes for needy patients. This is why, today, Singaporeans identified by Social Service Offices to receive ComCare assistance automatically receive MediFund assistance at approved healthcare institutions. We have recently introduced guidelines to institutions to allow mutual recognition of MediFund assessments for more types of circumstances.

On the ground, institutions have also put in place patient-centric processes and leverage IT platforms to smoothen the application process. While tapping on other organisations could improve convenience of applying MediFund for some patients, it introduces an additional layer in the process and, therefore, needs to be studied further to avoid lengthening the application process inadvertently.

12.45 pm

As for the Migrant Domestic Worker Levy Concession, Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) remain a relevant basis for purposes of assessing these applications. Frail patients with multiple conditions, or those at end-of-life, tend to require some assistance with at least one ADL and would qualify for the concession. Exceptions will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. We will continue to review the adequacy of financing schemes to support caregivers and their seniors.

Regarding the case raised by Dr Tan, Dr Tan would be aware of the correspondences together by the AIC and Ms See. There was a positive outcome after she was re-engaged by AIC. Unfortunately, there was an earlier miscommunication where AIC was led to believe that Ms See's cousin was the employer of the migrant domestic worker when it was, in fact, Ms See. She eventually qualified for and received the concession and Home Caregiving Grant, both backdated to when she qualified.

Third, to Mr Gerald Giam's question, we support the needs of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) and Persons with Special Needs through various financing schemes, including subsidies, national insurance schemes, MediSave, grants and safety nets, such as MediFund. We have recently enhanced some of these schemes. For example, in 2023, the payouts under the Home Caregiving Grant were increased, from $200, to up to $400 per month to further reduce caregiving costs. In general, healthcare subsidies are not based on specific conditions and are instead tiered based on income level, to target those who need more help.

Fourth, to Mr Ong Hua Han's question on the support for patients with spinal muscular atrophy, there are a few treatments available currently, including drugs and a CTGTP. We are reviewing the clinical and cost-effectiveness of these treatments and are engaging pharmaceutical companies to achieve reasonable prices. As the Minister mentioned, the MediShield Life Council is considering extending coverage to eligible CTGTPs and studying the safeguards needed to ensure that any such extension is sustainable. In the interim, those who face concerns may apply for discretionary funding support through MediFund or the Rare Disease Fund.

Lastly, a few Members have also asked about the support that is provided for those who are planning for a family. There are a few considerations that guide our approach in designing the financing schemes to better support this group of Singaporeans. These include clinical safety and effectiveness of fertility tests and treatments, ensuring affordability for those who need it and keeping our financing schemes sustainable.



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