在新加坡的美食地圖上,Naeum 擁有著不可撼動的地位。這家位於 Telok Ayer 街的餐廳,帶來了獨特的「章節式」菜單體驗,每一季都如同一本新書,講述主廚 Louis Han 的個人故事與烹飪歷程。Naeum,意為「喚起記憶的香氣」,不僅是一家餐廳,更是一座橋樑,連接著當代西方烹飪技藝與傳統韓式風味的文化記憶。
Louis Han 主廚的烹飪哲學深具個人色彩,從他在首爾江南區的成長到他在黎巴嫩、阿布達比等地的職業旅程,最終落腳新加坡。他的每一道菜都像是一段回憶,被細膩地呈現在餐盤上。通過精湛的西方技藝與家鄉風味的融合,他為食客帶來了既創新又懷舊的味覺享受。2022 年,Han 主廚憑藉對細節的敏銳把控和大膽的創新精神,榮獲米其林新加坡指南青年主廚獎,進一步證明了他的天賦與才華。
jeonbyung | 전병 | 煎脆餅
A traditional wafer snack in Korea, NAE:UM's version is charcoal wafer and tuille with jujube cream, seasonal truffles, and white chocolate sorbet. It is also the evolution of our 'charcoal jujube' dessert from opening day. When fermenting soybean into doenjang, charcoal and jujube may be placed in the fermentation pots to ensure successful result, as a sort of good luck charm. These two elements in our last dessert represent our parting wish to diners - may your days be filled with good luck, success, and smooth journeys
一種韓國傳統的威化餅零食,NAE:UM的版本是炭烤威化和千層酥,搭配紅棗奶油、應季松露和白巧克力雪芭。這也是我們開業當天「炭烤紅棗」甜點的演變。 在將大豆發酵成大醬時,人們可能會在發酵罐中放入木炭和紅棗以確保發酵成功,這算是一種幸運符。我們最後一道甜點中的這兩種元素代表了我們對食客的離別祝福——願你的日子充滿好運、成功和平坦旅程。
Spring bibimbap | 봄의 비빔밥 | 春季石鍋拌飯
An Asian meal is never complete without rice. To evoke springtime by the Jeju sea, Korean rice grains the mixed with king crab meat, egg jam and seasonal vegetables. Three condiments, including NAEUM's house with kimchi, are served on the side to add the burst of flavours. Let's bibim away!
一頓亞洲美食如果沒有它就不算完整。為了喚起濟州海邊的春天,韓國米粒與帝王蟹肉、雞蛋醬和應季蔬菜混合在一起。包括 NAEUM 自製泡菜在內的三種調味品放在一旁,增添了濃郁的味道。讓我們盡情拌飯吧!
jjim | 찜 | 'a steamed dish' | 一道蒸魚
Fresh fish and seafood are Jeju's proudest local produce, to fish and then to cook the catch yourself is one of life's simple pleasures. Dreaming of a fishing holiday, in NAEUM Chef Louis Han deconstructs the Korean-style braised fish jorim. Golden threadfin is steamed, served with minari, leek, and a tangy fishbone sauce which has been steeped in vegetables normally added to a jorim.
新鮮的魚和海鮮是濟州島最值得驕傲的當地特產,捕魚後自行烹飪是生活中的一種簡單樂趣。 夢想著一個釣魚假期,在 NAEUM,主廚Louis Han解構了韓式燉魚料理(jorim)。金線魚被蒸熟,搭配水芹菜、韭菜和一種濃郁的魚骨醬,這種魚骨醬是用通常添加到燉魚料理中的蔬菜浸泡而成的。
Bingtteok | 빙떡 | 04 a.k.a Korea's "popiah" | 又名韓國「薄餅」
Originally a simple Jeju snack of buckwheat crepe stuffed with shredded radish, Louis Han and his team scratched their heads over how to recreate this dish with a modern twist. NAE:UM's bingtteok is squid ink crepe wrapped around sweet ama ebi* and pickled radish, with pine nut dressing for that touch of creamy umami.
原本是濟州島一種簡單的小吃,即用蕎麥薄餅包裹著蘿蔔絲,主廚Louis Han和他的團隊絞盡腦汁思考如何以現代的方式重新演繹這道菜。 NAE:UM 的 Bingtteok 是用墨魚汁薄餅包裹著甜美的櫻花蝦和腌制蘿蔔,再加上松子醬以增添那一抹奶油般的鮮味。
돔베고기 | 'dombegogi' cutting-board pork memilmyeon | 砧板豬肉蕎麥涼麵
Our signature noodles pay tribute to the cutting-board pork, an indigenous Jeju cuisine. Typically boiled and softened, the meat is easily sliced and served directly from the cutting board. Our rendition is roasted and pan-seared pork jowl with a tinge of caramelized crisp. Take a bite alongside the memilmyeon for a lovely texture combination.
我們的招牌麵條向濟州島的本土美食——砧板豬肉致敬。 通常肉會被煮軟至輕鬆切成片,並直接從砧板上裝盤上桌。我們的版本是烤和煎過的豬臉頰肉,帶有一絲焦糖般的酥脆。 咬一口豬臉頰肉,再配上蕎麥涼麵,能感受到美妙的口感組合。
走進 Naeum,溫馨親密的內部設計讓人仿佛進入一個家的空間,簡約自然的裝潢增添了一絲溫暖。這裡的每一餐不僅是味覺的享受,更是一段心靈的旅程。Han 主廚以「章節」為概念,每個菜單都與上一季不同,帶領食客在他個人的記憶與文化交融中徜徉。
오이 냉국 | oi naengguk | cucumber soup | 黃瓜湯
Cool broth of clarified cucumber. Served with sea bream sashimi and seaweed, we hope to present a refreshing beginning to your meal with us.
두부 김치 | dubu kimchi | 豆腐泡菜
Dubu, a.k.a. tofu or beancurd, has historically been a staple in many Asian households. In these modern times it is too easy to overlook the humble beancurd for more flamboyant foods.
豆腐,又名 tofu 或 beancurd,在歷史上一直是許多亞洲家庭的主食。在這個時代,人們很容易因為更華麗的食物而忽略不起眼的豆腐。
Housemade dubu, braised kimchi, Iberico pluma, and multigrain sotbap makes a satisfying course. Dip the multigrain rice into the accompanying bizi stew to soak up even more warmth and savoury comfort.