
2018年05月24日   •   4275次阅读


这位网友车子抛锚了在路上,但是就在不知情的情况下”一堆工人毫不犹豫地”从远处冲刺过来帮这位网友Joe车子推开,推走,这时候后面排了大概十多辆车子,但是……没有一位来帮忙而是只会按一直按喇叭……(这些开车的我可以假设你们是新加坡人吧? )

不要在说”外籍劳工” 这些那些了,没有他们,新加坡也不会这么好,没有他们的帮忙 不知道如果再新加坡路上出事时 有多少本地人会伸出援手?

English Version:

From out of nowhere and without hesitation, a bunch of workers sprinted over to help Jon push aside a car that had broken down in front of us. A good 10 cars piled up behind us and not a single person came to help, but instead honked at us.

So quit this xenophobia rubbish about transient workers because they deserve so much more credit. Thanks, you guys.
