员工收到警告信,只因为MC期间没有接电话 (这烂公司~不待也罢)

2018年05月06日   •   8万次阅读









A netizen posted this warning letter online complaining that his boss and company had issued him a warning letter after he fell ill with dengue and did not pick up his calls while he was on Medical Leave.

He wrote of his receiving the letter: “I came back to the office shortly after my recovery from dengue fever.

My boss welcomes me back with a F****ing warning letter for not picking up his calls during MC. I’m working as a Marketing executive in a logistics company.

I spend my time recovering other than taking food and meds I am sleeping. My boss who is aware that I’m having dengue fever told the HR department to issue me this f***ing letter.”

He has since quit the company and left for a company that would better appreciate him.


Kasinathan Sarkunan:I dont know who the fuck typed this warning letter. Must be a fuck up FT in HR who works in a fuck up company with a fuck up FT boss with a fuck up policy

Ray Man:Rubbish letter. A load of mangled English. I totally cannot understand what the hell this unprofessional letter writer was trying to say.

Ish Hasen:The company has the right to fire any staff during medical leave.. but it has to be a strong cause..misconduct etc..HR have to follow the steps .verbal warning, .issuing warning letter. There is no reason for bosses or colleague to contact the sick employee during his sick days. Company or bosses are finding ways to fire the employee. ….where does MOL comes in? MOL will say this..

A contract of employment is between the employer and employee..which translates employees you are at the mercy of employers…cant help you.. now the warning letter was poorly written. The company should be embarrassed to have such unqualified HR who lacks basic HR correspondence skills and employment law..

A warning letter because of not answering phone calls..duty call during medical leave clearly indicate bullying and discrimination.. medical leave covered under disability act..

isa Dass:Good you left the company. How does an organization survive with such written English?

Rethinam Sabapathy:Singaporeans deserve it. Just complain on media. But no one cares. Go and die. You voted for it.

Elizabeth Tan:Frankly, this company is not alone in having such unreasonable expectations. Many bosses and companies think that they own their employees, and expect them to be picking up calls 24/7